ITW Dynatec - Sustainability
- Continuous efficiency improvement, waste reduction, safety and the sound management of people and environment will lead us to long-term growth and profitability.
- Sustainability involves all aspects of our business including manufacturing, product development, procurement, distribution and people.
- We will act responsibly and ethically while our processes are compliant with internal and external rules and regulations.
- ITW Dynatec stands for products and processes that are environmentally friendly and help to save resources.
ITW’s success has been based on the corporation’s guiding principles. Decentralization, 80/20 and Innovation. While striving for economic success, it is the responsibility of all ITW companies to recognize the environmental and social impact of our operations.
ITW companies shall adhere to ITW’s Environmental and Safety Policy. We shall commit to understanding the environmental impact of our processes and products. We shall work to reduce the negative impact associated with the development, production and use of our products. We shall focus our innovative skills and abilities to create new products that are less environmentally harmful; we shall consider the end of product life in the development stage in an attempt to create products that can later be used as raw materials for other goods. We shall reduce waste in our operations, materials, energy usage and other resources. We will continue to monitor our impact on climate change and work to lessen our impact.
ITW’s social impact begins internally with its employees. The importance of employees is demonstrated by ITW’s commitment to safety and fair treatment as outlined in ITW’s Environmental and Safety Policy and Statement of Principles of Conduct. Furthermore, ITW will maintain fair and non-discriminatory hiring practices, provide employee training and support continued education.
ITW will also continue to support initiatives that have a positive impact on the communities where we operate. This includes continuing support for the United Way, Junior Achievement, Senior Outreach and the many other charities supported by the ITW Foundation.
ITW companies are committed to the highest standards of business conduct; these standards extend to our supply chain and customers. ITW companies shall not have business dealings with any organization that violates the Human Rights of its workers. In addition, our suppliers must adhere to the ITW Statement of Principles of Conduct for suppliers. We shall treat our customers fairly by respecting their privacy, providing value and delivering the high quality products and services we promise.
ITW will systematically evaluate the environmental and social performance of its companies. We encourage everyone to participate in this endeavor to improve our workplace and global environment.
David B. Speer
Chief Executive Officer
Issued - 2009